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Message from the owner...

Hello, I am Melinda, owner of Stratosphere Trampoline Space. Since 2020 when we added the trampolines to our facility, we have had over 20,000's of guest, done 100's of parties, and have had so much fun watching our guests have a good time. Periodically you get a person that comes in with a chip on their shoulder, or someone that no matter how you explain something they just don't get it. Being a owner of 2 businesses, people have a lot to say about how they think a business owner or even how a business should do things. Most of them have never owned a business, never had to do the work, pay the large amounts of money needed for even small things, never had to bust their butt to make something a reality. Many people appreciate a good thing; are pleasant & happy. We get compliments all the time on how glad they are that someone (me & my husband) did something like were doing in our area. They are truly grateful and enjoy coming to us week after week, month after month. There are others though, that live life from the cheap seats and just shout & complain about everything they think should be different or that they think is wrong. They don't go out & build something from nothing; they don't have the slightest clue of what being proud of something they worked so hard to do, not for themselves but for others. Only to have some strangers make a false claim or overreact about something they feel is wrong.


Example: We had a dad overreact & leave a negative review because the bottom of our ramp (the ramp that leads to the stage that allows for easy access to our trampolines) had some flex to it. In a gymnastics facility much of the matting & equipment has flex or bounce. The area he was concerned about was literally a 1/2 an inch above concrete and we designed it that way so the with step you would feel cushion or give. Not dangerous, not unsafe; his family came to our place 4 times, 2 times with dad... but because he didn't like that one step they haven't come back.


Example: we have had kids walk into our space, and fuss because they see gymnastics equipment, or because they think it's too small. We are not your usual Trampoline facility, we do operate right beside a gymnastics training area, our place gives anyone the chance to get on any equipment & live out any gymnastics dream, but offers the usual trampoline park amenities like dodgeball, basketball dunk, & an open jump area. It's a 21,000sq foot space. It may not be a Walmart, or as big as even we really want it, but a fussy kid that just wants to play video games will still have their opinion.


Example: We have had Party guests, show up as much as 60 min late for their own party, but get mad at us because they didn't have enough time to play or do their party stuff. They filled out our party form, they knew they were getting a specific time, they knew they could add more time, but it would cost more. They also knew why it was so important to keep on the schedule for parties, because others are happening that day too, but no, they came an hour after their party time began, their food was waiting & getting cold, but nope in their eyes, it's our fault, & we were horrible people because we didn't give them more time for free.


Example: We have had parents get mad cause our foam pit was too fluffy! 


Example: We have had parents get mad cause they couldn't jump on the same trampoline as their kid. You might do that at home on your trampoline, but it doesn't change the fact that it's not safe & we are not in the business of encouraging injury. 


Example: Recently we had a guest attempt to strike our manager because she stopped her child from running into another person swinging on a apparatus in the facility!  We have rules for safe play, but that doesn't matter to a parent who has been told their child is breaking the rules. Rather than teach your child to respect the rules, or play safe in the space they are in, no its the staffs or facility's fault for not letting their child do whatever they wanted.


Example: We had an out-of-town guest come in with his wife & friends and 4 children between the two couples. When checking in we explained the facility & the rules, we even offered for them to take a look before paying for the adults to jump. He refused & paid for 7 of the 8 guests to jump, even though his wife was fussy about being there & not being allowed to jump on the same tramp as her child. About 30 min later he complained to me that some of his guests weren't jumping and wanted a refund. We provided 2 free jump passes, and when I went to let my staff know I learned that one of the people he wanted a refund for he never paid for. When I want to inform him of the discrepancy & get back one of the passes, he got mad at me, and said he just feels like he over paid, and threatened to leave early... when really, he got caught in a lie and wasn't going to get compensated for someone, he didn't pay admission for. This group stayed & their kids had a great time & the other couple that was with them has come back to our facility & loves what we offer his children.


Example: WE had a family come in for an impromptu birthday for one of their daughters, the stepdad of this group got mad at our staff because they were reminding, he and his girlfriend of the rules, and asking that their toddler keep the dodgeballs in the dodgeball trampoline area. He began being irate, screaming & yelling, MF-ing everyone because his child wasn't even 1 yet (he claimed she was autistic) Because of the child's age & supposed diagnosis they should be exempt to the rules & get to do what they want. We had to call the police to get him & his group to leave & while our management was dealing with him & his extended outburst, his girlfriend proceeded to harass & intimidate one of our teenage staff. After they left, they proceeded to lie & attempt to wage a war on our facility online claiming we don't' like spectrum kids or that our staff are abusive! When they were the ones being abusive, his cursing rants are illegal, he physically struck one of our female staff, throwing his arms around and interrupted the managers ability to get answers from staff to assess what was going on. His girlfriends' abusive actions towards a 16yr old girl are criminal, yet their actions & lies are just, because they say it so and feel they should be the exception to program policy. 


When these things happen... are they the business fault or are the people overreacting and lying? 

I love what I do & I will continue to build my dream of making Stratosphere Trampoline Space the Big Family Fun place it is even bigger. What I will not stand for is someone trying to tear down what I built or making false claims about my program. As a business owner I research & know every facet of my field & the competitors. As a person I am strong, honest & direct (3 things that get taken as mean or rude often) I don't like to cheat anyone out of anything & I don't like to waste time, I am partly dyslexic & I can't spell to save my life. I work hard every day, and I am a problem solver, I will always make things work, but I will defend myself, my decisions & what I have worked so hard for anytime I am challenged.

Now if you've worked in the service industry or worked around people at all you know the customer is not always right. Sometimes a person just wants to go out of their way to make your life harder. Anyone that has ever left a negative comment about any of my businesses didn't come to me with their issues, didn't politely say I have a concern. No, they all smiled, had fun, left the facility & then made their review. If you really wanted to be a proactive person & help a business grow or even felt your experience was so wrong it needed to be addressed, bring it up (THEN) when your there, so that if it really is a problem, it can get solved. But, no, they don't do anything a responsible adult would do, they do the cowardly thing & leave their negative comments from a distance, so they feel they are helping society make an informed decision, and to help with the person who worked hard, to help with the company that's trying to make a difference in its community. Not all businesses are a major corporation, most are still a small business with owners that are there every day making their business grow.

Something about the reviewing process, as an owner I do not like... you get comments & views for business that aren't yours. Stratosphere, not too often, but common enough that I have had drunk guys from Vegas leave a review, I have had religious persons leave comments & check in at my business when they are at an organization event that has nothing to do with my facility or even close to where I operate. On my FB page you can check in, but you can't leave a review, because of situations like the out of towners & their comments. It's not shady its merely I don't want anyone confused on what we do or who we are. We are a facility for kids & families. No, it's not a traditional trampoline park but it's something I am working on. If you have a problem with how I do it, I invite you to come meet with me & I will be happy to discuss your concerns especially if it will make things better. 

Thank You for taking time to read about me & my passion & I look forward to meeting you at Stratosphere in the future.

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